Friday, September 27, 2013

Flamingo dishcloth.....changed to a scarf

Hey all, so i decided i did not like the flamingo dishcloth in that type of material, so i scrapped it until i can get some nice sugar and cream yarn to knit it in. I decided to use that pink for a nice fall scarf, its a nice leaf lace scarf called the easy leaves scarf. Its actually a really easy pattern like it suggests, when i first tried it i was still kind of new to knitting and I was like omg how the heck do I do a double decrease! But the pattern maker explained it well and I was able to make a beautiful leaf scarf in a beautiful white yarn with silver strands in it. I gave it as a Christmas gift and the receiver loved it, so I decided to try it again now that I'm more practiced at knitting. U can get the pattern here.

On this pattern you repeat 12 rows to create the lovely leaf pattern. What I have done was knit it in 2 separate type of yarns with an US size 8 needle, I'm knitting it in a nice green the color is called lemongrass, its part of the wool ease collection by lion brand yarn. The pink is the same pink I was using to knit the flamingo dishcloth again I don't remember brand or color name but I am knitting it on a US size 8 needle.

On the green scarf I'm on pattern repeat 2 row 3 of a 16 repeat pattern, u then repeat the pattern one more time to row 11 then u knit 2 rows and bind off. Then it calls for your to wash and block and pin into place till completely dry because the pattern tends to curl because of it being a lacy pattern and it was knitted in a light yarn for a more of a late spring/fall scarf, that's why I knitted it in the lemongrass wool ease lion brand yarn to try a bit of a heavier/thicker yarn to see if less curl would happen and for more of a warmer scarf for late fall/winter.

I knitted it in the pink as well because it was a lighter yarn that the pattern called for and then u could see how it comes out for me on the pink scarf I'm on repeat 2 row 3. I'm trying to keep both of the scarves in the same stage of knitting so u can see them come together at the end. You can of course make the pattern wider and longer if you prefer by adding another pattern repeat or 2 and casting on 8 more stitches for each extra pattern repeat you would like to do.  I've included 2 pictures the brighter one is to show the true colors of the yarn and the darker one is to show the leaf pattern more clearly.

Until next post!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flamingo dishcloth

Today i have finally got some knitting time in today and what i started working on was the flamingo dishcloth my friend had requested, the pattern is available here. What i decided to do was use a US size 8 (5.0mm) needle instead of the US size 7 the pattern called for. Im not using the typical sugar and cream yarn one would usually use for a dishcloth/washcloth, but this isn't your typical dishcloth/washcloth it will most likely be used for decoration by my friend because she never used the pokeball one i made her from what i know, but hey maybe someday she will. Moving using a light pink soft yarn i unfortunately do not know the brand or color name, because i took the wrap off some time ago for another project and i scrapped the project because of an untimely event. I am on row 20 of a 61 row pattern, i hate to say that right now im not super impressed with the pattern i know im only on the leg part of the flamingo but it doesnt look quite right, it could be because im using a softer yarn and a bigger needle but only time will tell with this pattern so i hope it looks better, after making this pattern with my current yarn i will knit it in sugar and cream yarn attached is a picture of my current progress

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Busy few days

Well i havent had much time for knitting work has been busy for me and working out after work has cut into much more of my time as well last night after work I went a little old school and played some halo 2 campaign it was quite a stressful day for me, so Tonight after work ill be going with my boyfriend to the apple orchard for cider pressing, i not only find it fun and like to help out anyone anyway I can, I enjoy giving the farm cats a little love too. Well until next time, I gotta get back to work

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blanket update

Here is the latest on my blanket project: it has been a busy week so far so I haven't been working on my blanket as much as I would like, I had worked 5 days was off one and now am working another 5 until I get 2 days off in a row, which is where I hope to do the bulk of my knitting. I am however working on it now and decided to take a quick break to post an update I have pictures to go with it as well, I Am on the first repeat of the pattern, row 8 of a 24 row pattern that u repeat until it is the length u desire. For the pattern itself see click here to see  it and a finished product. Farewell until next post

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Work and the apple orchard

So no knitting was not done today, after work i went to help at a local Wisconsin Apple orchard. My boyfriend helps out there a lot, so I went along today and I helped put stickers on their cider jugs and played a bit with the farm cats as my boyfriend helped put the apples onto the machine that eventually would be put through a press to make cider after that its bedtime....hopefully knitting tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Update on blanket project

So far I had finished from where I said I was onto the first repeat of the pattern. I'm on row 4 and I had stopped in the middle to take some aspirin and nap I had a wonderful lingering headache from work so not much to report there, I also got another request from my friend to make her something which I was happy to oblige because I really wanted to try the new patterns I found, more on that when I start it.

My plans after work is to try to get the first pattern repeat done on the blanket, so I have an update picture for tomorrows post again see previous post for link to pattern :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My first post, my current projects

Good news everyone, the title of my post is exactly what it will contain. My current projects include a blanket and a dishcloth. The blanket i am knitting is called the heart baby blanket, it basically consists of knitting and purling. The pattern for the heart blanket can be found here. I have gotten to row 22 in the 24 row pattern, that gets repeated till you get to your desired length. To see what a complete one will look like go to the link I provided earlier in the post. What I'm using to knit this project is the red hearts brand in a rose color if my memory serves me correct i had tossed out the wrap,  I'm knitting on a us size 10 circular needle (6.0 Mm) the pattern calls for a us size 6 circular needle (4.25mm) but I figured I'd do a bigger size needle as i am not knitting this for a baby so I'm using a thicker, not so baby soft, yarn. 

My other project is a flamingo dishcloth my friend had requested for her and her mother, i will not have a picture of that one as I am only to the cast on part I have not actually knitted any rows on that yet. I'm using a lighter pink which again I am unsure of the brand and color name as I had accidently tossed the wrap for it, I believe I got it at a local craft store on clearance where I tend to buy most of my yarn they have a wide selection, they have even expanded their yarn section, and they tend to have good clearance yarn. Anyways a little off topic there, I'm not using the traditional yarn someone would use for dishcloths as I believe they won't actually use them as dishcloths, but I will make them another in a sugar and cream pink of some sort. More on that in another post thanks for looking