Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A simple headband/earwarmer flat knitting version

As you know its been quite some time sense my last post. ive been meaning to post for a while but with deer hunting week in full swing i didnt have any time to get much done, they job i work at requires me to work with firearms paperwork so as you can imagine i was quite busy. I do however have an update on a project ive been working on brought to you and me from another blogger the name of her blog is devin likes to knit go here to see the pattern i had used for my project. the project i did was a simple headbead, flat knit, with a flower (or without if u choose, but i decided id give it a shot) theres and adult and childs version in the pattern picture she tells ya she withheld the garter stitch rows the pattern called for, either way i think it looks great. for my headband i used a size 8 needle, which is what devin used in her pattern. and for my yar a used a lighter weight dark purple color, because it was my first time attempting the pattern so i wanted to see how it would come out. my next headband i was goin to use a heavier yarn. anyways back to the project!

so i have the items all knitted out i have assembled the the headband and fit it to my head and i have my flower knitted. For the flower i had gone to her in the round knitted headband because in the comment section she had listed a few flowers for the crotchet person and a few for the knitted person because the flower pattern attached to that one was no longer available. for the link to the flower i used go here. i however changed the pattern a bit because i hate to say it....but i thought it was a bit ugly for my taste, i would of probably stuck to the original pattern in a smaller gauge and i would of liked it but i didnt have all my needles, so to the creator of that im sorry if theres any offense...

moving on ....

what that pattern calls for is you basically make 6 petals and sew them together to make the complete flower...i omitted 1 petal and went with five, in a larger gauge needle and knitted tem shorter for more curl, and they way that came out i absolutely love!!! so without that original pattern i could not of come up with the flower i knitted so kudos all around. at this stage in my project i just have to put the flower on the headband and presto flower headband! i however am going to do one more thing to it before had so once im completely done i will post the completely complete project. i have a few pictures i will be attaching so watch for those. ive rambled on long enough...Until Next Post

Saturday, November 9, 2013

green scarf finale

so the green scarf has been wet blocked and it is finally dry so i took some pictures of myself with it on. i just got home from work so excuse the work attire. ive been working on the heart blanket a bit so i hope to have an update on that soon. in the mean time im going to try to find another project to work on. until next post!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Yarn scrap project

Hi all. Ever wonder what to do with those scraps of yarn you have after a finished project? If your like me, you keep them hoping to use them to make a dishcloth of scrap yarn or maybe u might tie a bow on a present with it who knows, point being u saved it because u felt there was a need for it in some way shape or form so here's what I did.

I had just recently moved my cat into my boyfriends house I got all the way to his house before realizing I forgot to grab some of her toys, I then decided to take it upon myself to make her something. At first I had no idea where to start and suddenly I remembered something I saw and thought was to hard to do, so I looked up a video and was suddenly suprized on how easy it was to do.

I decided to take my yarn scraps and make an i-cord cat toy where u knit the same stitches over and over, without turning the work which is done by using double point needles or circular needles, and it creates a neat looking round cord. I knitted it long enough so I could toss It out and reel her in and she seems to like it as u will see from the picture. I also could of hid the yarn better from when I switched over, but I couldn't find my tapestry needle so I didn't weave in the ends which it would of looked better if I did. Any questions please comment, the pic I have is kinda bad so I'll try to add a better one later. Until next post!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Green scarf finished!

Good news everyone, I have finished the green scarf! Right now I'm wet blocking it and u will see why from my finished photos. It was still wet when I left for work today, so I will check on it when I get home. I ended up doing 21 full row repeats and then the plus 1 row which u do till row 11 then knit 2 rows and bind off. I had a little bit of yarn left from that ball of yarn which I used to create something fun and quick which I will discuss in another post. The pictures will have one with flash and one without. Until next post!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Its been a bit....

I see it has been a bit sense my last post. i have been crazy busy with work sense i got back from the cabin that i have not had time to knit at all, not even to finish the few rows i have on my scarf! i typically get every other weekend off at my job but i have worked the past 4 weekends in a row and thats when i typically get to destress and knit but that has not happened. i am taking a short break from some of the work i have been doing just to do a bit of an update on what the dealio is with me. im hoping to get my work out in, in a few minutes, toss the laundry in the dryer and finish up with my work and hopfully finish that scarf so i can focus on the heart blanket i have not knit on sense the last update on it, so i hope to have some pics and an update on the green easy leaves scarf soon... dont lose faith in me! until next post!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Im back from my weekend getaway

Good news everyone, I'm back from my little weekend getaway I shall call it. I got back around 5 or so last night..I have nothing to report on the knitting front however, because I didn't take my knitting with me I forgot it and my boyfriend said " I should of told you to bring your knitting". Because we did have some free time on our hands at some points where I could of done some but I enjoyed nature, sat in the cabin and read, and joined my boyfriend on his grouse hunts. His kids had fun and his daughter and the dog joined us too. It was a nice little stress relief for me, work had been really stressing me out lately and it was nice to unwind. That's all I really have today I'm at work right now on my lunch break and I'll try to get some knitting done tomorrow. I really need to work on that hearts blanket I don't know how far I'll get before I run out of yarn, and my yarn tub is buried in storage, plus I haven't worked on it in a while so I'll try to get an update for that this week and maybe start a new project. Until next post!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Scarf done!, kind of

So heres the update on the scarf ive done the 16 repeats and im on that plus 1 repeat where i knit to row 11. I decided to keep knittting, because i want to use up the rest of the skein that i have, so technically its done by pattern terms, but i however like longer scarfs anyway because of how i put them on. I also knitted a pair of the easy flat knit hand warmers i found on the life is good blog. Mine however do not look like her picture, maybe it just the yarn i used i dont know, but heres the break down on the handwarmers:

Easy flat knit hand warmers

I used a us size 10 needle instead of a us size 9 that it called for (my 9 had a project on it) and I knitted them with a purple from lion brand yarn's vanna white collection. The color escapes me at the moment I'll try to remember later. They were a quick easy knit and I really like them a lot they are short so if you wanted them longer you could just add more rows in the straight stitch section I'll put in some pictures.

I won't be around to post for the next few days I'm going to the cabin for the next 3 days so I'll have no internet or cell reception so until I'm back this will be it. Until next post!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Yarnbox subscription service

I thought I'd talk about something that would interest fellow knitters. I'm sure some of you have heard of yarn box, its a subscription service that ships to your home or office and is individually prepared and shipped. I had stumbled upon it while looking at another blog, so I went to the website to check it and and maybe give it a shot, but alas it wasn't ready for launch. When it finally did launch the open spots were gobbled up quick, so I had to wait on a waiting list, but from the looks of it they seem to have some open slots so I figured I would say something here.

I have not signed up for it yet, I do not have room in my budget right now to get one and give ya a proper review so once I do I'll snatch up a slot and see what I get. If you go here you can check out the website for yourself and maybe clue me in on what you think.

From what they say on the website, you get at least 200 grams of yarn, and there's potential for extras!, which of course everyone loves. The yarn is of the highest quality, not widely available, and the yarn will always be worth more than your subscription fee.

They also offer different subscription types. They have a pick your options, option you can pick what needle sizes you prefer, colors you like best and if you knit or crotchet, and they will create a box for you which sounds pretty awesome if you ask me, there is also a choose your own plan option as well where u choose how often u get it and the prices very from there. So I say go check it out and let me know what you think. I'm going to go finish up the green leaves scarf and post about that soon.

Until next post.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Green scarf update as promised

Good news everyone, I have the latest update on my green easy leaves scarf.  I'm on repeat 11 row one old the 16 + 1 repeat, If I remember correctly the first time I made a scarf with this pattern I think I did a few extra repeats for a little longer scarf because I thought it would suit the intended wearer better this time I may not. I think with the blocking I want to do with it, will stretch it out so I won't have to, we shall see. What I have noticed with this pattern is once I got to a certain point, the edges stared curling in so I think it may possible be that I'm knitting my stitches to tight or the pattern is just naturally curly sense it is a lacy type pattern. I don't know as I am still fairly new to knitting. Anyway included are a few pictures of my progress I will continue after I finish posting...OH, i decided to change the name of my blog to something a bit more simple to find if anyone searches for me, ill change my blog address to match very soon! until next time!

Easy flat knit hand warmers...Gotta Try This!

Life Is Good: easy flat knit hand warmers: It doesn't get much easier than this lol Knit on two needles and seamed along side leaving an opening for thumb this pattern ...

 the things i look at when im at work LOL knitting on the brain. I was looking for some easy handwarmers to knit because next week ill be going up with my boyfriend and his kids to the cabin and its probably going to get a little chilly so i wanted to knit something to keep my hands a bit warmer, without having to full on glove it up. so in a google search i found this post by another blogger and i cant wait to give it a try. i figured id share it with others because it was posted a while ago. I'll have an update on my green easy leaves scarf later once I get home. Until next post!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Been a while but heres a scarf update

I haven't had an update for a while because i was pretty sick for a week, so sick that just eating tired me out. First my boyfriend was sick and i was taking care of him, then i got sick so that left me no time for knitting. So anyway, heres an update, right now im kinda working on one for a bit so the update is for the green scarf.

Right now I'm on repeat 5 row 7 of the 16 + 1 repeat. The thicker yarn seems to be creating less curl, but there is a bit of curl, not as much curl as when I first did the pattern so its looking pretty good in my opinion. The pattern is looking quite good in the thicker yarn, I was slightly afraid the detail would be lost but it has not so I'm quite happy about that.

I'm going to try to get the pattern repeat up to repeat 10 then I'm going to work on the pink scarf which is the thinner yarn. I have 2 pictures of my progress so far. Until next time.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Flamingo dishcloth.....changed to a scarf

Hey all, so i decided i did not like the flamingo dishcloth in that type of material, so i scrapped it until i can get some nice sugar and cream yarn to knit it in. I decided to use that pink for a nice fall scarf, its a nice leaf lace scarf called the easy leaves scarf. Its actually a really easy pattern like it suggests, when i first tried it i was still kind of new to knitting and I was like omg how the heck do I do a double decrease! But the pattern maker explained it well and I was able to make a beautiful leaf scarf in a beautiful white yarn with silver strands in it. I gave it as a Christmas gift and the receiver loved it, so I decided to try it again now that I'm more practiced at knitting. U can get the pattern here.

On this pattern you repeat 12 rows to create the lovely leaf pattern. What I have done was knit it in 2 separate type of yarns with an US size 8 needle, I'm knitting it in a nice green the color is called lemongrass, its part of the wool ease collection by lion brand yarn. The pink is the same pink I was using to knit the flamingo dishcloth again I don't remember brand or color name but I am knitting it on a US size 8 needle.

On the green scarf I'm on pattern repeat 2 row 3 of a 16 repeat pattern, u then repeat the pattern one more time to row 11 then u knit 2 rows and bind off. Then it calls for your to wash and block and pin into place till completely dry because the pattern tends to curl because of it being a lacy pattern and it was knitted in a light yarn for a more of a late spring/fall scarf, that's why I knitted it in the lemongrass wool ease lion brand yarn to try a bit of a heavier/thicker yarn to see if less curl would happen and for more of a warmer scarf for late fall/winter.

I knitted it in the pink as well because it was a lighter yarn that the pattern called for and then u could see how it comes out for me on the pink scarf I'm on repeat 2 row 3. I'm trying to keep both of the scarves in the same stage of knitting so u can see them come together at the end. You can of course make the pattern wider and longer if you prefer by adding another pattern repeat or 2 and casting on 8 more stitches for each extra pattern repeat you would like to do.  I've included 2 pictures the brighter one is to show the true colors of the yarn and the darker one is to show the leaf pattern more clearly.

Until next post!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flamingo dishcloth

Today i have finally got some knitting time in today and what i started working on was the flamingo dishcloth my friend had requested, the pattern is available here. What i decided to do was use a US size 8 (5.0mm) needle instead of the US size 7 the pattern called for. Im not using the typical sugar and cream yarn one would usually use for a dishcloth/washcloth, but this isn't your typical dishcloth/washcloth it will most likely be used for decoration by my friend because she never used the pokeball one i made her from what i know, but hey maybe someday she will. Moving using a light pink soft yarn i unfortunately do not know the brand or color name, because i took the wrap off some time ago for another project and i scrapped the project because of an untimely event. I am on row 20 of a 61 row pattern, i hate to say that right now im not super impressed with the pattern i know im only on the leg part of the flamingo but it doesnt look quite right, it could be because im using a softer yarn and a bigger needle but only time will tell with this pattern so i hope it looks better, after making this pattern with my current yarn i will knit it in sugar and cream yarn attached is a picture of my current progress

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Busy few days

Well i havent had much time for knitting work has been busy for me and working out after work has cut into much more of my time as well last night after work I went a little old school and played some halo 2 campaign it was quite a stressful day for me, so Tonight after work ill be going with my boyfriend to the apple orchard for cider pressing, i not only find it fun and like to help out anyone anyway I can, I enjoy giving the farm cats a little love too. Well until next time, I gotta get back to work

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blanket update

Here is the latest on my blanket project: it has been a busy week so far so I haven't been working on my blanket as much as I would like, I had worked 5 days was off one and now am working another 5 until I get 2 days off in a row, which is where I hope to do the bulk of my knitting. I am however working on it now and decided to take a quick break to post an update I have pictures to go with it as well, I Am on the first repeat of the pattern, row 8 of a 24 row pattern that u repeat until it is the length u desire. For the pattern itself see click here to see  it and a finished product. Farewell until next post

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Work and the apple orchard

So no knitting was not done today, after work i went to help at a local Wisconsin Apple orchard. My boyfriend helps out there a lot, so I went along today and I helped put stickers on their cider jugs and played a bit with the farm cats as my boyfriend helped put the apples onto the machine that eventually would be put through a press to make cider after that its bedtime....hopefully knitting tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Update on blanket project

So far I had finished from where I said I was onto the first repeat of the pattern. I'm on row 4 and I had stopped in the middle to take some aspirin and nap I had a wonderful lingering headache from work so not much to report there, I also got another request from my friend to make her something which I was happy to oblige because I really wanted to try the new patterns I found, more on that when I start it.

My plans after work is to try to get the first pattern repeat done on the blanket, so I have an update picture for tomorrows post again see previous post for link to pattern :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My first post, my current projects

Good news everyone, the title of my post is exactly what it will contain. My current projects include a blanket and a dishcloth. The blanket i am knitting is called the heart baby blanket, it basically consists of knitting and purling. The pattern for the heart blanket can be found here. I have gotten to row 22 in the 24 row pattern, that gets repeated till you get to your desired length. To see what a complete one will look like go to the link I provided earlier in the post. What I'm using to knit this project is the red hearts brand in a rose color if my memory serves me correct i had tossed out the wrap,  I'm knitting on a us size 10 circular needle (6.0 Mm) the pattern calls for a us size 6 circular needle (4.25mm) but I figured I'd do a bigger size needle as i am not knitting this for a baby so I'm using a thicker, not so baby soft, yarn. 

My other project is a flamingo dishcloth my friend had requested for her and her mother, i will not have a picture of that one as I am only to the cast on part I have not actually knitted any rows on that yet. I'm using a lighter pink which again I am unsure of the brand and color name as I had accidently tossed the wrap for it, I believe I got it at a local craft store on clearance where I tend to buy most of my yarn they have a wide selection, they have even expanded their yarn section, and they tend to have good clearance yarn. Anyways a little off topic there, I'm not using the traditional yarn someone would use for dishcloths as I believe they won't actually use them as dishcloths, but I will make them another in a sugar and cream pink of some sort. More on that in another post thanks for looking